IW Program
LETI INTER WEEK invites you to

get important competencies for personal professional development

learn new skills and algorithms important for work in the interdisciplinary teams

get an insight into frontier knowledge fields and creative solutions for research problems
LETI INTER WEEK Program is arranged in three topical tracks
INTER WEEK Opening Ceremony
Three-day program addresses the following issues:
- What researchers and investigators can get from interdisciplinary practices. Methodologies and tools.
- Science seen by the contemporary art. Projects at the interface.
- Researcher: specialization VS universality. Perspectives for the modern da Vinci.
- LETI's groundwork. What participants of the Nautilus summer school came up with and what continuation can this brilliant start get?
13:00 – 14:00
Registration and Welcome tea
14:00 – 14:10
Opening Session. Greeting speech – Anastasia Minina
14:10 – 15:30
Expert Discussion:: LETI – Science - Art + Interdisciplinarity
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challengese
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challengese
LETI International Startupper School
25.10 – 27.10
ETU LETI Room: 5307
R&D labs
R&D labs
LETI Inter Week introduces the International Startupper School, a 3-day course on the skills and essential knowledge for successful R&D business in any part of the world. It includes:
– master classes, expert advice
– visits to advanced R&D laboratories
– presentations of business ideas for market-oriented startups
– business games based on process Factory technologies
– master classes, expert advice
– visits to advanced R&D laboratories
– presentations of business ideas for market-oriented startups
– business games based on process Factory technologies
Day 1
15:00 — 15:40 r. 5307
Introductory class. Trends and principles of innovation management that work everywhere.
– By Prof. Nadezhda Pokrovskaia
– By Prof. Nadezhda Pokrovskaia
16:00 — 17:00
Day 2
15:00 — 15:30
– Ksenia Tikhankina: Elevator Pitch: Top-10 key components for successful startup presentation
– Presentations of business ideas and projects by participants
– Expert Feedback
– Individual Assignments
– Presentations of business ideas and projects by participants
– Expert Feedback
– Individual Assignments
16:30 — 17:00
LETI R&D Center
Introduction into LETI RDC
Study visits to
Introduction into LETI RDC
Study visits to
- Laboratory of photonic integrated circuits
- Laboratory of Hyperspectral systems
- Laboratory of motion capture and simulation systems
Day 3
15:00 — 16:30
Business games based on process Factory technologies.
16:30 — 17:00
Summarizing. Ideas and business plans for implementation.
“Digital Botanical Garden” application
Master class and application testing in the Botanical Garden
Master class and application testing in the Botanical Garden
ETU LETI Room: 1238
Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden
Digital Botanical Garden application has been developed for navigation and quest games in the Botanical garden. Its developers are the First young IT lab for mobile apps. The app developer delivers a master class on the principles of its development and operation. Participants will download the application and test it during the navigation and quest in the Botanical Garden.
Group meets in the VibeLab, LETI Bld 1, room 1238
14:10 – 14:50
Master class on developing the smart quest app
15:00 – 16:00
Study visit to the Botanical garden and application testing
INTER WEEK Opening Ceremony
Three-day program addresses the following issues:
- What researchers and investigators can get from interdisciplinary practices. Methodologies and tools.
- Science seen by the contemporary art. Projects at the interface.
- Researcher: specialization VS universality. Perspectives for the modern da Vinci.
- LETI's groundwork. What participants of the Nautilus summer school came up with and what continuation can this brilliant start get?
13:00 – 14:00
Registration and Welcome tea
14:00 – 14:10
Opening Session. Greeting speech – Anastasia Minina
14:10 – 15:30
Expert Discussion:: LETI – Science - Art + Interdisciplinarity
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challenges
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challenges
"Nautilus 4.0" School
24.10 – 26.10
Canteen, Floor 5, Building 5
The goal of the three-day Nautilus 4.0 school is to create interdisciplinary project groups for productive work with project presentations in May 2023.
Participants in Nautilus 4.0 get certificates.
Participants in Nautilus 4.0 get certificates.
Day 1
15:30 – 19:00
– Coffee break, introduction to the three-day program
– Interinterdisciplinary team-building
– Presentation of summer school projects for continuation
– Exercises to awaken creativity
Anna Martynenko: From idea to technology.
a mini-lecture, discussion,
Discussion of technological aspects of realistic ideas
– Summary of the day
Coach: Galina Alferova
– Coffee break, introduction to the three-day program
– Interinterdisciplinary team-building
– Presentation of summer school projects for continuation
– Exercises to awaken creativity
Anna Martynenko: From idea to technology.
a mini-lecture, discussion,
Discussion of technological aspects of realistic ideas
– Summary of the day
Coach: Galina Alferova
Day 2
14:00 – 20:00
– Game using the methods of creative technologies and TRIZ.
– Brainstorming, generation of ideas.
– Work of project groups using TRIZ technology.
– Matchmaking of ideas and projects in groups with coaches.
– Coffee break.
– Work in groups.Discussion of project concepts in the “rotation of experts” work mode.
– Master class and practice: Technologies with creative potential.
– Brainstorming, generation of ideas.
– Work of project groups using TRIZ technology.
– Matchmaking of ideas and projects in groups with coaches.
– Coffee break.
– Work in groups.Discussion of project concepts in the “rotation of experts” work mode.
– Master class and practice: Technologies with creative potential.
- Alexandra Krivosheeva
- Ivan Eremin
- Danila Logvinenko
- Galina Alferova
Day 3
14:00 – 20:00
– Final discussion of project concepts and ideas with mentors.
– Work at project concept presentations, final vision of their implementation with Art&Science and media artists.
– Creative approaches to project prototyping.
– Preparation of project presentations.
– Work at project concept presentations, final vision of their implementation with Art&Science and media artists.
– Creative approaches to project prototyping.
– Preparation of project presentations.
- Danila Logvinenko
- Ksenia Gorlanova
- Evgenia Tarasova
- Iliya Shalashov
- Anton Shulgin
18:00 — 20:00
Summing up the Nautilus results in the MVP business game mode.
INTER WEEK Opening Ceremony
Three-day program addresses the following issues:
- What researchers and investigators can get from interdisciplinary practices. Methodologies and tools.
- Science seen by the contemporary art. Projects at the interface.
- Researcher: specialization VS universality. Perspectives for the modern da Vinci.
- LETI's groundwork. What participants of the Nautilus summer school came up with and what continuation can this brilliant start get?
13:00 – 14:00
Registration and Welcome tea
14:00 – 14:10
Opening Session. Greeting speech – Anastasia Minina
14:10 – 15:30
Expert Discussion:: LETI – Science - Art + Interdisciplinarity
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challenges
Moderator: Galina Alferova
Introduction: Larisa Sharakhina
– Lisa Savina: Science as a way of communication
– Dmitry Shevchenko: The experience of implementing the CDIO initiative in LETI
– Danila Logvinenko: Creative and technical approaches in creative industries
– Anastasia Skvortsova: How technological art responds to environmental challenges
Welcome Week
ETU “LETI” r. 3425
The meeting with the team of the International Students Office on all issues of studying foreign citizens.
- How to enter ETU "LETI" (what documents are needed, what you need to know)
- Migration rules (everything about visas, migration registration, etc.)
- How the educational process works, systems for assessing and controlling the quality of knowledge
The information meeting
Welcome week. Open Faculty Lessons
31.10 – 01.11
St. Petersburg, ETU “LETI”
Days of open lessons at the faculties will allow participants to attend real training classes, work in laboratories and get to know the leading specialists of the faculties! After the classes, the participants will able to get acquainted with the main sights of St. Petersburg!
Day 1
10:00 – 11:30
Open lesson of the Faculty of Electronics (FEL)
11:40 – 13:00
Open lesson of the Faculty of information-measuring and biotechnical systems (FIBS)
13:40 – 15:10
Open lesson of the Faculty of Radio Engineering (FRT)
Excursion to the Peter and Paul Fortress
Day 2
10:00 – 11:30
Open lesson of the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology (FKTI)
11:40 – 13:00
Open lesson of the Faculty of Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering (FEA)
13:40 – 15:10
Excursion around city center
Russia-India: dialogue of cultures
Online, Zoom platform
The conference is designed for students of Humanities. Russian and Indian students will make presentations on the linguistic and cultural ties between Russia and India. At the conference, the Honorary Consul of Russia in India will announce the establishment at ETU “LETI” of the Russian-Indian Student Union.
Welcome week. Quest
ETU “LETI”, Offline
We invite the participants of the Welcome week to take part in the fascinating career-oriented quest around ETU “LETI”! We will introduce you the departments, laboratories and show the most interesting places of the University! Join us and we’ll have fun together!
16:00 – 19:00
Welcome week. Quest
Palette of Languages and Cultures
02.11 – 03.11
Building 3
2nd and 3rd floors
2nd and 3rd floors
The Inter-University Forum “Palette of Languages and Cultures” is held annually as part of the International Day of Tolerance, declared by UNESCO. Its diverse program includes the inter-academia conference, where Russian and international students, PhDs and lecturers from LETI and other universities discuss relevant issues of intercultural communication. “Palette” First day is a traditional show of national costumes, household items accompanied by the sample tasting of national cuisines – dishes cooked by the international teams. The program will be opened by the gala concert rehearsed by Russian and international student performers.
Forum organizers
Department of Foreign Languages
International Students Office
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
International Students Office
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
Day 1
11:00 – 12:00
2nd floor, Building 3
2nd floor, Building 3
Traditional Show of National Costumes and Sample Tasting of National Cuisines
12:00 – 13:00
Assembly Hall, Building 3
Assembly Hall, Building 3
Gala Concert
Performers are Russian and international students of linguistics and other faculties. The show will present finalists of the Contest of creative works of students on the history and culture of the peoples living in the Russian Federation and in the near abroad.
Performers are Russian and international students of linguistics and other faculties. The show will present finalists of the Contest of creative works of students on the history and culture of the peoples living in the Russian Federation and in the near abroad.
Day 2
12:00 – 13:30
Plenary session Conference Hall, Building 5
St. Petersburg State University Postcolonial literature and its concepts (the work of Zadie Smith as an example)
Emilia Bushueva
Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture. The cinema map of the world is incomplete without Russia
Olga Zhuravleva
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
The communicative value of folk art elements
Olga Preobrazhenskaya
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
Fantastic creatures in the Russian phraseology
- Shulzhenko Tatiana Vladimirovna
- Stepanova Natalia Valentinovna
St. Petersburg State University Postcolonial literature and its concepts (the work of Zadie Smith as an example)
Emilia Bushueva
Nevsky Institute of Language and Culture. The cinema map of the world is incomplete without Russia
Olga Zhuravleva
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
The communicative value of folk art elements
Olga Preobrazhenskaya
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU “LETI”)
Fantastic creatures in the Russian phraseology
13:30 – 14:30
Coffee break, Networking.
14:30 – 16:30
Work in sections.
Section 1. World Languages - 1
Video Conference Hall, Building 5
Moderator – Lyubov Ulyanitskaya
Boris Bogdanov
The influence of Celtic languages on English
Daria Buzi
Ethical aspects of translation of technical and scientific texts
Gorelenko Ivan
Reflection of the UK migration policy in the music of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean
Kira Davydova
The functioning of English borrowings in the language of the French media (on the example of the newspaper Le Figaro)
Yulia Kostetskaya
The current linguistic situation in the Hindu-speaking area of India
Marina Mugu
Filippova Yulia Valeryevna
Features of the transfer of cultural-specific vocabulary into English
Darya Murlykina
Translation of occasional vocabulary in Terry Pratchett's novels. On the example of the "Flat World" cycle
Anna Radomskaya
Pluricentricity of the French language. Features of the French language in Belgium, Switzerland and Canada
Anna Fatullayeva
Asymmetry of the linguistic sign and its actualization at the lexical level in Russian and French
Section 2. World Languages -2
r. 3316
Moderator – Maria Sigaeva
Yana Ikonnikova
Neologisms in Japanese during coronavirus infection
Anton Kiselyov
Linguonyms as an example of the grotesque in fiction
Tatiana Kuznechikhina
Texts of modern Francophone rap artists in the aspect of ethnic conflicts
Elizaveta Luneva
On the question of the representation of the Spiritual code of culture in French phraseology
Amina Mirzoeva
Russian sign language: peripheral vocabulary
Anna Nikiforova
Some linguoculturological features of the English-language media ecological discourse
Dmitry Pak
Word -formation models of Ainu nouns
Darya Repina
Sound-imaginative vocabulary in English-language detective novels
Ksenia Khloponina
Criminal Humor in British and American Cinematic cultures
Section 3. Intercultural communication in the folk art context. Material heritage: National assets and specifics
r. 3317
Moderator – Alexandra Sokolova
Denis Ganiev
National Kazakh Games
Anastasia Grigorieva
Valeria Malysheva
African echoes in hip-hop as a dance brainchild of American culture
Danil Zaripov
Cuisine of the Tatar people
Alexey Kosenkov
Elena Tikhonova
Corral hunting with the use of steep cliffs among the Indians of North America
Polina Kudryavtseva
Cultural aspect of animation
Vlada Matveeva
The linguistic picture of the world in the Mordovian folk song
Alexandra Novozhilova
About the life of Sri Lankan Buddhists
Darya Podoprigora
Marianna Medvedeva
Petersburg lace: continuation of the original artistic tradition
Alexandra Sokolova
Features of the national costume of South Korea
Irina Shpakovskaya
The Seto people. Traditions and material culture. According to my own impressions
Section 1. World Languages - 1
Video Conference Hall, Building 5
Moderator – Lyubov Ulyanitskaya
Boris Bogdanov
The influence of Celtic languages on English
Daria Buzi
Ethical aspects of translation of technical and scientific texts
Gorelenko Ivan
Reflection of the UK migration policy in the music of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean
Kira Davydova
The functioning of English borrowings in the language of the French media (on the example of the newspaper Le Figaro)
Yulia Kostetskaya
The current linguistic situation in the Hindu-speaking area of India
Marina Mugu
Filippova Yulia Valeryevna
Features of the transfer of cultural-specific vocabulary into English
Darya Murlykina
Translation of occasional vocabulary in Terry Pratchett's novels. On the example of the "Flat World" cycle
Anna Radomskaya
Pluricentricity of the French language. Features of the French language in Belgium, Switzerland and Canada
Anna Fatullayeva
Asymmetry of the linguistic sign and its actualization at the lexical level in Russian and French
Section 2. World Languages -2
r. 3316
Moderator – Maria Sigaeva
Yana Ikonnikova
Neologisms in Japanese during coronavirus infection
Anton Kiselyov
Linguonyms as an example of the grotesque in fiction
Tatiana Kuznechikhina
Texts of modern Francophone rap artists in the aspect of ethnic conflicts
Elizaveta Luneva
On the question of the representation of the Spiritual code of culture in French phraseology
Amina Mirzoeva
Russian sign language: peripheral vocabulary
Anna Nikiforova
Some linguoculturological features of the English-language media ecological discourse
Dmitry Pak
Word -formation models of Ainu nouns
Darya Repina
Sound-imaginative vocabulary in English-language detective novels
Ksenia Khloponina
Criminal Humor in British and American Cinematic cultures
Section 3. Intercultural communication in the folk art context. Material heritage: National assets and specifics
r. 3317
Moderator – Alexandra Sokolova
Denis Ganiev
National Kazakh Games
Anastasia Grigorieva
Valeria Malysheva
African echoes in hip-hop as a dance brainchild of American culture
Danil Zaripov
Cuisine of the Tatar people
Alexey Kosenkov
Elena Tikhonova
Corral hunting with the use of steep cliffs among the Indians of North America
Polina Kudryavtseva
Cultural aspect of animation
Vlada Matveeva
The linguistic picture of the world in the Mordovian folk song
Alexandra Novozhilova
About the life of Sri Lankan Buddhists
Darya Podoprigora
Marianna Medvedeva
Petersburg lace: continuation of the original artistic tradition
Alexandra Sokolova
Features of the national costume of South Korea
Irina Shpakovskaya
The Seto people. Traditions and material culture. According to my own impressions
LETI ALUMNI is an Engineer of the Future World
The university is interested in maintaining good relations with LETI graduates and creating mutually beneficial cooperation between the university and graduates. The best graduates will be awarded the LETI ALUMNI AWARDS 2022. Students will be able to meet with outstanding alumni as opinion leaders in their field. Graduates will be able to visit their home university again, to communicate with teachers and receive souvenirs at the alumni reunion!
Campus Tour
Award Ceremony LETI ALUMNI AWARDS 2022.
Award Ceremony LETI ALUMNI AWARDS 2022.
Teaching Fundamental Engineering Disciplines: Traditions and Innovations
Online, Zoom platform
The conference is timed to coincide with the World Science Day for Peace and Development. It is organized within the Russian-African University project and concludes the series of international students’ learning practices. Methodologies of teaching fundamental engineering disciplines are presented and discussed by international lecturers. In April 2023 the condensed conference proceedings will be published in the Almanac "Modern education: content, technology, quality" (RSCI).
Plenary Session
Engineering Education: Traditions and Innovations
Engineering Education: Traditions and Innovations
Relevant trends in engineering education. Mathematics
Relevant trends in engineering education. Mathematics
Relevant trends in engineering education. Physics
Relevant trends in engineering education. Computer Science
Russian for engineering and technical specialists